Shepherd's Purse known by it's binomial name of Capsella bursa-pastoris is typically found in growing zones 4-7. it is in the Brassicaceae family (aka mustard) Originally from Asia and used medicinally for centuries, this herb contains the isothiocyanate compound sulforaphane. This organic compound is found in the tangy herbs such as onions, mustard, horseradish, and of course shepherd's purse. It thrives in moist, fertile soils or dry, sandy areas in lawns, barnyards, roadsides, and waste areas. (Hayes)

Herbs with isothiocyanate are known to prevent Cancer in humans. In a study published in the Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 2014, the researchers bring forward the results of their study of the sulforaphane compound which they isolated in order to prove or disprove that is has anti-inflammatory and anti-super-bacterial therapeutic actions. This same study also discussed other therapeutic benefits of Shepherd's Purse such as anti-coagulant, anti-cancer, anti-thrombin, wound-healing, and anti-oxidant activities as well as having a potentiality as a therapeutic agent for treating diabetes and fever. Shepherd's purse also has the most proliferate super-oxide radical-scavenging activity seeking out the anions (aka an ion which has lost one or more electrons) and devouring them.
Contraindications of the herb are that it should not be used during pregnancy due to its contraction inducing actions, only a medical professional would be able to advise on using this herb in any stage of pregnancy.
It is highest in vitamin K which is needed in the body for the controlled binding of calcium in bones and other tissue types. K also helps coagulation which helps stop bleeding. Preliminary research suggests that a vitamin K deficiency may indeed cause osteoporosis and the calcification of arteries and other soft tissues. Calcification of arteries will cause a heart attack or a stroke.
+This information is not intended to treat or cure any illness or disease and you must see a physician if you have a medical issue. One final note on any of the medicinal weeds, never wild harvest unless you know which plant you are harvesting and never harvest from the side of a road as they absorb the toxic substances from vehicles such as lead and cadmium. +
FoodData Central. (n.d.).
Choi, Woo J., et al. "Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Superbacterial Properties of Sulforaphane from Shepherd's Purse." PubMed Central (PMC), 18 Feb. 2014, Accessed 13 June 2018.
Hayes, Ruthie. "Shepherd's Purse Monograph." Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine, 14 Mar. 2018, Accessed 13
June 2018.
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