


US$55.00 US$35.00


US$55.00 US$35.00

If you have questions about a product and how it will interact with your health/medicines, I will conduct a consultation with research via email. Please note, that a consent form will be sent and needs to be signed before completion. There will be no refunds for failure to sign the consent form and no full research done.


Live Consult

US$165.00 US$105.00

Live Consult

US$165.00 US$105.00

If you have questions about a product and how it will interact with your health/medicines, I will conduct a consultation with research via live zoom chat and email the results. Please note, that a consent form will be sent and needs to be signed before completion. There will be no refunds for failure to sign the consent form and no full research done.

Sold out

Olfaction Training

US$500.00 US$300.00
Sold out

Olfaction Training

US$500.00 US$300.00

Coming Soon!

Strengthen your sense of smell if you have had any deterioration due to age or other means.